Golden Sound Karaoke Disco No Distance To Far No Job To Small
Golden Sound Karaoke Disco   No Distance To Far No Job To Small 

Why Book Us ?

How much does a DJ cost – what do I get for my money?

How much does a DJ cost and what are the main factors that affect the price? The event itself is one of the main factors. DJs for parties invariably cost a lot less than DJs for weddings for example.


How much does a DJ cost? – How long will the DJ be needed for?

For a wedding, a DJ may have to set up many hours before he’s actually needed. He may also be required to provide background music during the meal and microphones for the speeches. Both these things considerably add to the time spent on site. A wedding DJ will typically allow 90 minutes to set up and one hour to dismantle (unless you have a lightweight mobile DJ with just a few lights). A DJ for a birthday party will need considerably less time. Prices for DJs will also be affected by the finish time – there’s usually a premium after midnight.


How much does a DJ cost? – How much equipment is needed?

Once the hours spent on site are calculated, the next consideration is the amount of equipment required. DJs have to bring three types of equipment: sound gear, lighting gear and optional items like haze machines, confetti cannons and bubble machines.


The quantity of lighting equipment used by your DJ will have a huge impact on the price quoted. A good DJ will bring along a wide selection of lighting to ensure he can capture the right mood at the right time. This is particularly true with a wedding where the range of moods across the evening is enormous.


If you have more than 250 guests the quantity (and weight) of the sound equipment increases greatly and more manpower is needed for get-in and set up. If you have more than 25o guests be very careful about the DJ you choose. Small lightweight rigs cannot cope with such large number – no matter what you are told.


How much does a DJ cost? – How good is the sound equipment?

As a professional DJ for many years I find it surprising that I’m rarely asked about the quality of my sound equipment. “How much does a DJ cost’ is often the only question. Clearly,  one of the easiest ways for me to reduce prices is to simply use cheaper equipment. Many DJs works on the basis that their priority is lightweight equipment that’s very loud but doesn’t cost the earth. those are not your priorities. For you, the emphasis should be on the quality of the sound. Every sound equipment manufacturer makes speakers in at least five different price categories. Believe me – you will hear the difference.


How much does a DJ cost – How much should I pay for a good DJ?

Bearing these three things in mind will enable you to understand why there is such a variation in price. Surprisingly, the actual music itself is not a factor. All DJs have a huge range of music tracks available to them.


One thing you will not be able to measure from the quotes you receive is the personality and style of the DJ. Hopefully this will become clear once you have had a chat over the phone or met up to talk about your event over coffee.


So a typical wedding DJ is likely to cost you around £400. Regional variations will apply of course but as with most things in life you get what you pay for. Experienced DJs with the best equipment will charge more – but you will see and hear the difference.


I hope this blog will help you to ask your potential DJ the right sort of questions in order that you can compare prices and quality.




We have a vast music collection covering absolutely all tastes and genres from the 1950’s to this week’s chart hits. We constantly update our music library on a weekly basis which includes both the latest releases and the very best remixes. Your playlist will be tailor-made for your special event and we encourage you to make as much input as you like or leave it all to us – and simply give us your music requests on the night if you prefer.



If you would like to book our disco services we simply ask for a £100 non-refundable deposit to secure a particular date in your name. This deposit will be deducted from the final bill. We only diarise a booking once your deposit has been received. All bookings are made on a first-come first-served basis and since the date will be blocked to anyone else deposits are non-refundable if you decide to cancel.


The remainder of your bill is not due until 4 weeks before the event.



Deposits for booking reservations can be made either by direct transfer or by cheque:



OUR BANK DETAILS:    Account Number 40959804    Sort Code  20-03-18

If you make a transfer to our bank account would you be so kind as to send us an email advising us so that we can immediately block that date in our diary. Please make sure you put your name in the reference field when you pay by direct banking so we know who has sent the money.


See our terms and conditions here.


If you have any questions relating to our disco prices or the services we provide, please do not hesitate to drop me an email at





The best way to contact me is by emailing or

or by Facebook at Golden Sound Karaoke Disco or DJ Beatz Slinger or by using the contact form on this website.



I am all about my Music and Karaoke for your party. Contact me for a custom built track list with all your favourite tunes.

In order to visit me

Golden Sound Karaoke Disco

You can visit us on:

FaceBook/Golden Sound Karaoke Disco


or the Golden Sound Karaoke Disco group

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